Our mandate as a mission agency is to take the gospel across cultures, especially into areas that are least reached. We want to see all believers — everyone — moving in mission. God has used EMM before to spark Jesus movements in specific parts of the globe. We’re convinced that God wants to continue using us, and you can play a part in bringing transformation around the world.
This past fall, we began to discern a focus for EMM’s future mission. We invited you into the conversation with us. While we’re still discerning what God might have for us, we’d like to remind you about a few of the things we’re praying about.
EMM has had a strong commitment to working with partners all over the world. We want to continue working with our global partners together in these four strategic regions. Especially as we carry out a vision to share the gospel with under-reached people groups, these regions were laid on our hearts. In some of these places, we already have strong partners and workers, and others have little current presence. Other places, we’ll need to work with partners from other regions to share the gospel in fresh and meaningful ways.
For more than 100 years, EMM has shared the good news of Jesus around the world. Thousands of global workers have gone to dozens of people groups. Decades later, the seeds that EMM workers have sown are multiplying into hundreds of thousands of people following Jesus in places like Tanzania, Ethiopia, Honduras, and many other places around the world.
As we look to our future work, we’re asking the question, “What does God have next for us?” This discernment process is rooted in prayer, hoping to clearly hear what the Spirit is saying to EMM, LMC, sister mission agencies, our global partners, and other networks and organizations closely related to us. Our discernment process continues to involve a number of conversations with our regional representatives, global workers, staff, global partners, and you! We continue to welcome your input as we continue to discern these ideas. Give us a call at 717-898-2251 or email info@emm.org.
Your support of the Impact Fund helps us engage in this critical discernment process. We invite you to consider how you might continue partnering with us through prayer and financial support. To support the work of EMM, you can give online at EMM.ORG/GIVE or send a check to PO Box 8617, Lancaster, PA 17604. Thank you for partnering with us!
Joe Hollinger serves as the chief operating officer for EMM.