Mission Support Teams (MSTs)

On a mission together

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent
them off.” — Acts 13:2–3

No mission worker should serve solo. Mission workers who flourish and produce kingdom fruit belong to and are sent from communities of Jesus followers. These communities stay connected to their mission workers and provide spiritual, relational, and financial support. To ensure that EMM workers have support in each of these areas, we ask each mission worker to form a Mission Support Team (MST). MSTs consist of four to eight people who help ensure mission workers’ spiritual, relational, and financial support and foster true partnership between mission workers and their sending/supporting networks.

“My support team has been just as committed to this ‘work’ as I am. I am grateful for their extensive logistical, financial, emotional, and prayer support. Because of their deep involvement, I have felt that we are all in this together.” — EMM mission worker


Questions? Contact Barry Freed.