
Showing 25–36 of 52 results

  • Worker

    Steve Horst & Bethany Tobin

    Steve and Bethany, and their family, are serving with the Life Enrichment Church in Thailand, expanding the reach of God’s Good News by cultivating the next generation of disciples.

  • Worker

    Michael & Nancy Hostetter

    Michael and Nancy walk with people as they discover God’s purpose for their lives and grow in relationship with Jesus. They partner with a Christian non-profit focusing on the prevention of childhood sexual abuse and the development of a local Christian retreat center.

    Donations may be sent to Old Road Mennonite Church, 5795 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap, PA 17527, along with a note designating it for Nancy and Michael Hostetter.

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  • Worker

    Lena Kauffman

    Lena serves as Advance staff in Lancaster, Pa. In this role, she disciples and mentors Advance participants and volunteers with Neighbors Community Center.

  • Worker

    Jeremy & Jennifer*

    Jeremy and Jennifer* serve as regional representatives, walking alongside the people of Southeast Asia.

    *Last name omitted for sensitivity reasons.

  • Worker

    Jonas & Hannah*

    Jonas and Hannah* serve in intercultural church planting and mentoring church planters in Germany.

    *Names changed for sensitivity reasons. 

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  • Worker

    Gerry & Donna Keener

    Gerry and Donna are volunteer workers, who travel to Vietnam and other international locations to train pastors and church workers. They also develop curriculum from an Anabaptist perspective for post-high school learners.

    To contribute toward the program expenses of the Keeners’ work, checks may be mailed to:
    Eastern Mennonite Missions
    PO Box 8617
    Lancaster PA 17604
    Memo line “SE Asia Program Ministry/G&D Keener.”

  • Worker

    Debora Maina

    Debora is participating in Advance Global, a 9-month, international discipleship and service opportunity.

  • Worker

    Esther Milonde Makoma

    Esther is participating in Advance Global, a 9-month, international discipleship and service opportunity.

  • Worker

    Michael & Ruth*

    Michael and Ruth serve as members of the Christian-Muslim Relations Team, having served previously for nearly 10 years in South Asia. During this time they lived and worked in a Muslim community. This deep background experience is critical to understanding Muslims and gives them something to draw upon as they equip others for fruitful and life-giving relationships with Muslims. During those years in South Asia, they were devoted to prayer as one of their primary ministry functions. Their gifts and experience help the CMRT continue to grow in prayer and equipping others in prayer as a vital part of mission.

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    Valerie Mummau

    Valerie serves as a mission intern with EMM. She is participating in the Vida220 discipleship training school with VidaNet.

  • Worker


    Nick serves as a mission intern in eastern Germany. As a post-communist area with a significant immigrant population, this context provides unique opportunities and challenges. Nick hopes to reach out to people of diverse backgrounds with Christ’s love and to disciple them as they find purposeful life in Him. Nick looks forward to showing hospitality and providing opportunities for fellowship through the local church context.

    *Last name omitted for sensitivity reasons.

  • Worker

    Wendell & Melanie Nofziger

    Wendell and Melanie and their family serve in Costa Rica, mentoring and making disciples as directors of VidaNet. They are regional representatives for Central America, overseeing all of EMM’s programs and personnel in the region.


Wendell & Melanie Nofziger

Wendell and Melanie and their family serve in Costa Rica, mentoring and making disciples as directors of VidaNet. They are regional representatives for Central America, overseeing all of EMM’s programs and personnel in the region.

Additional information


Latin America


Costa Rica



Also serving with


Home congregation(s)

North Clinton Church, Wauseon, Ohio

Scripture verse

"If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

Support Wendell & Melanie Nofziger

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