
Showing 49–52 of 52 results

  • Worker

    Allison Zimmerman

    Allison serves with Soli Deo Mennonite Church in Halle, Germany, for seven months. She engages in language learning, community outreach, and youth and children’s ministry. 

  • Worker

    Leon & Naomi Zimmerman

    Leon and Naomi serve globally, providing theological teaching, leadership development, and encouragement to EMM’s partners.

  • Worker

    Austin & Griselda Zuercher

    Austin and Griselda serve at the Honduras VidaNet base. Austin provides leadership to the team there. He also mobilizes the church through mission and leadership courses. Griselda coordinates the Honduran El Nido prenatal center, which disciples and educates young mothers. She is also in charge of hospitality at the base.

  • Other Funds


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