Beth Gibbs
Strategic Coach

717 898-2251 ext. 278
I joined the Central Administrative Office in 2006, having served with EMM from 1987–2001 in church planting and development in Cusco, Peru. I currently serve as a strategic coach for the Mission Team. I received my Associate Coach Certification (ACC) this year and love opportunities to coach some of our workers around the globe. My husband, Steve, and I love to run, bike, walk, and hike! We are blessed with five children and seven grandchildren. As a pastor’s wife, I thoroughly enjoy entertaining and serving as needed in our church.
I joined the Central Administrative Office in 2006, having served with EMM from 1987–2001 in church planting and development in Cusco, Peru. I currently serve as a strategic coach for the Mission Team. I received my Associate Coach Certification (ACC) this year and love opportunities to coach some of our workers around the globe. My husband, Steve, and I love to run, bike, walk, and hike! We are blessed with five children and seven grandchildren. As a pastor’s wife, I thoroughly enjoy entertaining and serving as needed in our church.