
Showing 13–24 of 73 results

  • Worker

    Ana Borntrager

    Ana is participating in Advance Global, a 9-month, international discipleship and service opportunity.

  • Worker

    Andrés & Angélica*

    Andrés and Angélica seek to be winsome ambassadors of the Messiah Jesus for people in North Africa and South Europe:

    • sharing His blessing, especially through their language and art teaching vocations,
    • helping European Christians relate to Muslim (im)migrants more like He would,
    • encouraging new or younger disciples of Christ to love and follow Him, and
    • facilitating cross-cultural and interfaith experiences and relations as a member of EMM’s CMRT.

    *Names changed for sensitivity reasons.

  • Worker

    Sarah Ariola

    Sarah serves alongside EMM workers and the Mennonite church leaders in The Gambia. She participates in discipleship, training, and evangelism among the many unreached people in the region. As an active member of the community, she assists in children’s programming and community resourcing.

  • Worker


    Binsa* builds bridges and reaches out to the Buddhist and Hindu communities of her city and beyond.

    *Name changed for sensitivity reasons.

  • Worker

    Jonathan Bornman

    Jonathan serves globally as a consultant for churches and leaders, especially in the area of teaching/training Christians how to build life-giving relationships with Muslims through dialogue, peacemaking, witness, and hospitality. He leads EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team.

  • Worker

    Michael Clancy

    Michael serves in Lebanon, Pa., with his wife, Deborah, and their two children. Michael has experienced the life-transforming power of the gospel in his personal life, and he desires to extend the hope of Christ to others by reaching out to the forgotten members of society, including people in his city who are returning from incarceration or rehabilitation from substance abuse. He understands the obstacles to reconnecting with society and building meaningful relationships. It is his deepest desire to come alongside men, supporting his community through social relationships and mentoring, and also by networking among ministries and city services.

  • Worker


    Clara* engages in pioneer witness, intercession, and English teaching in a predominantly non-Christian setting.

    *Name changed for sensitivity reasons. 

  • Worker

    John & Debbie Coats

    John and Debbie have served in many ministry roles over the years. John oversees an after-school children’s program in several village centers, teaches and disciples local Christian leaders, and provides a local village trash service. Debbie is involved in public health education and frequently sees patients who have not been able to get help elsewhere.

  • Worker

    Darrel & Miriam*

    Darrel and Miriam* and their family serve with an international church that has become a home to people from many nationalities. Darrel provides pastoral oversight, and Miriam is involved with the development of various church ministries, including reaching out to immigrants. Darrel also serves as the regional representative for West Europe.

    *Last name omitted for sensitivity reasons.

  • Worker

    Genevieve Dirpaul

    Genevieve is participating in Advance Global, a 9-month, international discipleship and service opportunity. Canadian donors: please make your gifts through MRDS. Designate the “Advance Global” fund. 

  • Worker

    Angie Earl

    Angie Earl serves as a volunteer worker with EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team, which equips Christians to build life-giving relationships with Muslims through dialogue, witness, peacemaking, and hospitality.

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    J.C. Ebersole

    J.C. is a non-resident worker, serving as the director of All-nations Association of Bible Schools

    $0.00 Support J.C. through Petra Church

J.C. Ebersole

J.C. is a non-resident worker, serving as the director of All-nations Association of Bible Schools

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Africa & The Middle East





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Petra Church

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